One of Amusing Science's main goal is promoting sciences and its comprehension towards children. This in mind, Amusing Science believes that building partnerships (sponsorships) with other companies will make it more efficient to reach more schools, thus having more children participating in its activities and extending their comprehension of sciences.

These partnerships will have the following advantages:

1) getting Amusing Science be better known;

2) allowing Amusing Science to always offer equipment that is of very good quality and safe, thus encouraging children to participate in its workshops knowing that they go beyond simple recreation;

3) getting other companies in our community involved in the education of our youth;

4) encouraging other companies who have the desire to be a part of their growing community in supporting values such as generosity, mutual aid, sharing and altruism.

In return Amusing Science's partners will get a very high visibility by having:

1) their company name and logo printed on one thousand posters being distributed everywhere over a territory of more than 10 000Km2 going from the eastern Ontario region to the south of the Laurentians;

2) their company name and logo shown on its website with a back link to their own site (if applicable);

3) their company name and logo printed on the back of each participant's plastified certificate.